"צו החיים תן וקח. כך נברא העולם; שכל אדם יהיה משפיע ומקבל, ומי שאין בו שניהם כאחד - הריהו כאילן סרק." רבי יצחק מזידיטשוב
"The command of life: Give and take. This is how the world was created; so that every individual influences and receives. And whoever does not have both together as one, is like a barren tree".
We invite you to help us build and strengthen Yakar's programs and activities, and to invest in the Center's future. Your contributions are vital in keeping Yakar's vision, community and learning center alive.
Our donations form is completely secure.
Donations are tax deductible in Israel, U.S., U.K. and Canada.
You can make a donation in any of the following ways:
Bank transfer
Account name: Yakar
IBAN: IL440127820000000148087
Bank: Hapoalim, no. 12
Branch: (Rechavia) 782
Account: 148087
Secure online donation: (Via Jgive)
To make a tax-deductible donation from the United States,
please make your check out to:
Yakar in the US
Yakar Foundation Inc
410 Ogden Ave
NJ 07666
Yakar in the UK
Account name: Yakar Educational Foundation
Bank: Smith & Williamson
Account: 32035110
Sort Code: 16-57-60
To send a check within Israel, please mail to:
Yakar - Tradition & Creativity
Halamed Heh 10
Jerusalem, Israel, 93661
Email us at yakarjlm@gmail.com