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Yakar's synagogue strives to be a twenty first century "shtiebel"- a house of prayer that is both intense and intimate, where a person might hear in himself or herself an echo of the Divine.

Join us for rhapsodic, chatter-free, meditative prayer. 

Kabbalat Shabbat

Mincha: 7:00 pm on Friday, throughout the summer.

Ma'ariv ends at about 8:30 pm. 

Shabbat Morning
In between Shacharit and Torah reading, two shiurim are given by community members – one in English and one in Hebrew.

Once a month, on Shabbat Mevarchim, members host a large communal Kiddush at the end of the service.

  • Shacharit: 8:15  

  • Kiddush and Shiurim (Heb & Eng): ~9:30

  • Torah reading: 10:00

  • Estimated conclusion of musaf: 11:20 

Shabbat Afternoon

  • 'Halacha on the Parasha' Shiur (in Hebrew) with Rav Shlomo Dov Rosen: an hour and a half before sunset.

  • Mincha: half an hour before sunset.  

  • Seudat Shlishit - with soulful singing: at sunset.

  • Ma'ariv: at the close of Shabbat. 

Friday – Shabbat

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